Monday, September 12, 2016

Stupid Wisdom Teeth

So back in the day I was told that I should get my wisdom teeth removed but they weren't a problem at the time. So of course I didn't. But the time has come and they are a problem.
Yes, although they originally came through properly, they are now moving and it is not good.

I have been told that getting totally knocked out is a good option and don't use a straw afterwards. Do you have any other advice for me? I have the consultation later this week and then I'll get the surgery scheduled.

Update: I had the consult and my surgeon seems like a nice person and I'm getting total anesthesia. The teeth all look non-complicated, so that's good. On the 15th when I went to schedule, they said I could come in on the 23rd - tooooo  soooooon and also I have something planned for that weekend so we settled on the 30th. I'll let you all know how it goes!

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